© 2007 Patrick Hertel Jackson Wyoming Kayak

National Geographic Adventure Photo workshop 2

My previous post for the National Geographic Adventure Photography Worksop.

The workshop flies through 3 days of shooting, critique, discussion, and a few beers. Make pictures. quickly. Edit. Quickly. Present for critique. realize that your best work is still on your laptop. Rich Clarkson, host of the workshop, summed it up bluntly when asked for more time to edit: “Life isn’t fair”.

Mini assignments of whitewater rafting, camping, biking, and trail running were arranged for us. Thanks to the athletes and guides Christian, Amy, Forest, Molly, and Wister the dog for putting up with our demands.

A minor disclaimer if you’re looking for a majestic Grand Teton Scenery image: That’s not what the workshop was about. Adventure photography is capturing outdoor activities and telling a story about the situation.

Teton Park, Wyoming, Mountian Biking Teton Park, Wyoming, Trail Running Teton Park, Wyoming, Camp Lifestyle, Tent Setup Jackson Wyoming Kayak

I will be adding a complete gallery when I have time.
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